Sue Peach  Chair of Governors
Rebecca Rees Vice Chair
Teresa Mpofu (Head teacher)

Stuart Baran
Dennis Barnett

Matthew Canale-Parola
Janet Eastwood
Jeffery Glenn
Simon Lau
Kevin Mahon

Carol Moor
Justin Muston
Kalonga Musukuma
Paula Whitfield
Gwen Temple
Rex Pogson
David Howe (Emeritus)

GOVERNORS – 2017/2018

Sue Peach - Chair (Mr Anthony Delwyn Thomas  now resigned)

Mr Ian Nichol  (Vice Chair)

Mr David Howe - Vice Chair

Dennis Barnett


Mr Jeffery Richard Glenn

Peter R Kent - Head Teacher

Ms Gwen Temple – Deputy Headteacher

Matthew Canale-Parola

Mr Michael Denny

Janet Eastwood

Kevin Mahon

Rebecca Rees (Parent Governor)

Paula Whitfield


The Admissions Code:

The School Admissions Code has been issued under Section 84 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (‘SSFA 1998’).  The Code applies to admissions to all maintained schools in England. It should be read alongside the School Admission Appeals Code and other guidance and law that affect admissions and admission appeals in England.

The purpose of the Code is to ensure that all school places for maintained schools (excluding maintained special schools) and Academies are allocated and offered in an open and fair way. The Code has the force of law.


The Local Government Ombudman has found severe fault in the decisions made by the Governing Body. An Independent Appeals Panel confirmed non-compliance with the law.

The following individials from Warwickshire County Council Admissions have been identified as being involved in the withdrawal of  school place deemed unlawful by an indpendent appeals panel.

Collette Mary Naven-Jones (Principal Admissions Officer Pupil and Student Services)  for making false statements regarding address that triggered the issues. She has never denied the allegation.

Craig Pratt (The then, Lead Officer for Pupil and Student Services) for making unwarranted comments and accusations via email (advising to write).

John Galbraith, who provided the most ridiculous argument, an argument it appears, that his own employers at WCC disagreed with. He is probably the only solicitor in the UK that believes every refusal does not trigger a right of appeal and once a place is withdrawn, an appeal is not required. The LGO stated: "In our view, the school’s failure to offer Mr [redacted]  a right to which he is entitled to in law is serious and goes to the heart of the schools admissions process. For these reasons we are inclined to publish the anonymised decision on our website.


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